
Wine and Dine Expert

Work Area: Critics and Celebrities Mansion

Personality: Proud, elite, reserved, keen observer and strict.

Nationality: British

Charlotte is one of the most feared Food critics in the circuit and never gives a restaurant a 2nd chance even if there is a teeny-tiny flaw! So make sure you don’t give her any chance to complain!

1. When did you grow a liking for wine?

Well, I got to say 21 for the sake of it, don’t I? *winks* I honestly grew an interest in wine when I learned about fermentation in school, but of course, it wasn’t until I was legally allowed to drink that I started being fascinated by it. Apparently, my great-granddad has a vineyard that I learned of after telling my parents I want to start my own line of Chardonnay. Of course, they were surprised and think I got it from my ancestor. 

2. You’re also known for your dressing sense, what do you get to say about that?

Well, if you gotta market wine, you gotta be on top of your game with what you wear as well. Honestly, it takes a village to put together every look, and I’m not really an expert in fashion, I just hired a time that is.  

3. Tell us one thing we don’t know about you?

Well, I just disclosed the secret behind my fashion is a professional team. Apart from that, I think it’s the fact that I find it extremely cringe when Americans do a British accent. Like, just stop already! It’s one of my pet peeves, and I hate being greeted by an American who thinks they can speak British when I visit the States. 

4. What brings you joy or makes you happy?

Yachting! I love being out in the waters, away from the land and the problems it brings haha.  I often go cruising, and what makes it better is managing to get away without someone tipping out the paparazzi. When you’re on a vacation, you wanna let loose, right? Not get clicked from every angle and be ridiculed for having a little cellulite. I’m 42, what do people expect. A paparazzi-free vacation is what makes me happy!

5. What do you do in your free time?

I watch sitcoms. I’m always hopping from one OTT platform to the other. My latest favourite is the Netflix series YOU. It’s just the right amount of twisted, fun, and unrealistic. How does Joe get away with so so many murders? It’s ridiculous, but I’m rooting for it… haha!

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