Welcome to the new website!

July 14
Welcome to the new website!

We were expecting you.

Our brand new website is curated to be your soup-to-nuts for all the latest developments in Star Chef 2. Take a look at all buzzing conversations that'll take place out here.

  • Latest Release Notes

Know your game before you play it! As fun as the excitement of the unknown is, it's always better to have your bases covered before taking a leap into new updates. We make it a point to jot down all the tweaks, bug fixes, new features and present it to you well before the update. We're all ears to all your thoughts and suggestions. 😊

  • Feature tutorials

Having a rough time figuring out the latest feature? Tired of seeing your amateur friend beat you to it? Well, we might have just what you need. Our chefs pop by the website ever so often with the wittiest and most useful tips and tutorials. So, keep a lookout for one of those. We assure you, your friend Nancy is going down this time! 😉

  • Exclusive rewards

What's more rewarding than rewards? That's right! We've got our own websie pixie pottering around waving her wand at random times to shower some in-game rewards to all you valuable visitors. Trust us, you don't wanna miss that!

  • Community shenanigans

Still not sure of sticking around? What if we tell you website is your safe lil virtual space for all gossips, chitter-chatter and fun lil social activities. The website is designed to be a multi-channel communication forum opening up to everyone in the community. XOXO, gossip girl! 😉

  • Star Chef 2 Tidbits

Every character is granted a unique personality of its own to enable lively interactions with players. Susan - the frying expert, is the one with curly locks and chirpy talks. Luca - the pizza signore, will always have your back with a handful of kitchen hack. Get to know all about your favorite characters and their recipes under Star Chef 2 Digest.

All this and a lot more is in the works for you. Thank you for your warm visit, come back for more.