Tournament Seasons

June 2
Tournament Season Star Chef 2

‘Tis the Season to beat your friends, Fa-la-la-la la-la-la-la!

With one hand on our chin and the other scribbling the notepad rigorously – we were trying to come up with a notorious plan that’ll keep the heat going between the Chef Teams. We are delightfully surprised by the amount of competition, friendly rivalries, sportsmanship, and the pettiness and arguments that unroll every day amongst the Teams, and we think it’s time to channel all these emotions into something bigger and smarter.

Yes, topping the leaderboard at the end of a three-day Tournament is great and all, but imagine topping the tournament for an entire month! Now – that’s our way of scoring a home run. 

Welcome to a full season packed with fun conversations, milestones, light-hearted competition, and most importantly – mind-boggling rewards for the entire team. So, ladies and gentlemen, bringing to you the tournament of all tournaments – Tournament Seasons! 

What are Tournament Seasons?

Tournament Seasons is a community initiative by Star Chef 2 Team to jam-pack the whole Tournament scene with everything that you love about Tournaments by doubling, tripling, and quadrupling it ­– Rewards, Competition, Fun Banters, and the Anticipation of it all. We accumulate and club your Contribution in 4 Team Tournaments together and declare a winner at the end of the Season. Not only that, but we also set a plausible goal to attain at the end of 4 Tournaments ­– so not only are you competing against other teams but also are working against time to reach the goal which will have its own perks – oh, trust us, the perks are so worth it! 

How does Tournament Seasons work?

  1. The teams that are participating will be on the radar for the entire Season – which essentially means your contribution in 4 consecutive Team Tournaments will be clubbed and a new separate Leaderboard will represent the clubbed contribution which will be updated at the end of every Tournament so you can re-strategize for the end of the season that will be fast approaching. 
  2. Along with the competition within the Teams, you will also work against a plausible Goal (for the entire Tournament Season) that will be set at the beginning of the Season. So, this opens doors to double rewards – one for topping the Leaderboard and the other for reaching the goal both of which are exclusive to each other. To sum it up, it’s really hard to not take Rewards from Tournament Seasons.

How will the goal be set?

Chef Team Tournament in Star Chef 2

We will evaluate all the Team Tournaments set for that particular week and calculate a plausible goal that isn’t a walk in the park but also isn’t impossible like a cold day in hell. The goal for different seasons will vary depending on the type of Tournament. We can all agree that Ace of Ladles is a darling when compared to Kitchen Klash, and the Goal will reflect the difficulty level of the cumulative Tournament Types and hence vary. 

How can Teams enter the Tournament Seasons?

A google form will be rolled out once we ensure everyone is in sync with how Tournament Seasons works – it is attached at the end of this very article where we collect basic information and make your entry. However, only 10 Teams can enter a Tournament Season and the selection will be purely on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you didn’t make it on time, don’t worry, we have shortlisted your Team names already for the next Tournament Season. 

Note: Please do note that only the Leader and Co-Leader can enter their Teams into the Tournament Seasons. This is a decision that’s best made with the approval of the entire Chef Team.

What do players have to do differently?

Absolutely nothing! You will continue to give your best in Team Tournaments like you usually do and we will keep a record of the collective contribution for all four Team Tournaments and will keep the community posted to have complete transparency. So, at the end of every Tournament, you will find an updated Leaderboard where you can see where your Team stands against the Goal that has been set and against other Teams. Oh, there is one thing you’ll do differently, claim a massive amount of rewards at the end of it.

How long is a Tournament Season?

The Fifth Tournament Season starts on 3rd April. The Team Tournaments that are lined up to be included in the Tournament Season are –

  1. Rising Stars - 03 April to 06 April.
  2. Team Championship - 07 April to 13 April.
  3. Ace of Ladles - 15 April to 19 April.
  4. Team Championship - 23 April to 29 April.

What are the Rewards?

Oooh yeah, the spicy part! The Rewards are categorized into two types: 

  1. Leaderboard Rewards: The top ten positions at the end of Tournament Seasons will be eligible for fantastic rewards as follows. 
  • Rank 1 – 20 Cash, 2 Purple Elixirs.
  • Rank 2 – 15 Cash, 2 Yellow Elixirs.
  • Rank 3 – 10 Cash, 2 Green Elixirs.
  • Rank 4 to 6 – 8 Cash, 1000 Coins.
  • Rank 7 to 10 – 5 Cash, 500 Coins. 

The Rewards of Tournament Seasons are never seen before combos of valuable resources and currencies that one can use to shift paradigms in their restaurant. And the best part is, it is for everyone on the Team! 

  1. Goal Rewards: Missed the top 5 spots? Don’t worry, you can still grab the Goal Rewards that are nothing short of a small miracle in the history of Star Chef 2 – Boosters, and Tools. 
  2. Combined Rewards: The Teams that manage to bag one of the top five positions and also complete the Goal will win the jackpot and avail both the Rewards respective to their position on the Leaderboard.

Wait there are more,😉 5 players from the top 3 teams will be receiving an exclusive Bonus reward at the end of the Tournament Season. Leaders from these top 3 teams will be selecting 5 players from their teams who will be receiving the Bonus Rewards.

Is the Leaderboard available in the game?

This is entirely a community-initiated activity and all the postings about Entries, Leaderboard Updates, and Winner Announcements will be made right here on Star Chef 2 official page and group. It will also be cross-posted in your game announcements for the benefit of those who are not big on social media.

For any further questions, please use the comment section and we will be more than happy to answer. Tournament Seasons is your one-way ticket to change the fate of not only your restaurant but your entire team’s restaurants. We are elated to get this started and have the community buzzing with fun exchanges. Please do remember this is a light-hearted competition to bag extra rewards and take it easy. 

What are you waiting for? Enter Now!

Please note that entry for the Fifth Tournament Season is open from 28th March at 10:30 PM PST to 01st April at 2:30 AM PST.


Tournament Season is now more fun.😉

Introducing the Tournament Season Awards for the teams participating in the Tournament Season III exclusive.

What is this you ask?

Compete among the other 10 teams and win the award.

There are a total of 3 awards to win from:

Social Champions: If your team is socially active and engages in all the Tournament Season-related posts and encourage your teams. Cheer up and show off your team's competitiveness in the social.

Game Changers: Give a head-to-head competition to other teams in the Tournament Season and change the overall leaderboard by your contribution.

The Milestone Grabbers: Reach the milestone set before the other teams to win this award.

What do you get?

If your team wins the Social Champions award, your team's leaderboard rewards will be doubled.

If your team wins the Game Changers award, your team will receive 1.5x of the leaderboard rewards.

If your team wins the Milestone grabbers award, your team's milestone rewards will be doubled.

Also, a surprise package of rewards for all the members of the participating teams to boost up the competition, STAY TUNED!