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How can I save my game progress?

Hi Chef,

Linking your game to Facebook is the best way to save your game progress. Facebook login is available within the Chef Circle tab and Settings screen.

Linking to Facebook will also help you play the same game on multiple devices. To load your game progress on another mobile device you simply need to launch the game and log in with the same Facebook account.

You can sync your game progress by connecting to Facebook or Game Center or Google Play Service.

To sync your game progress on Android device:

  1. Sign In to Google Play Games Services using desired Gmail ID.
  2. Launch the game in order to Sync current game progress with the Google Play Google Services ID.

To Sync game progress across multiple Android devices, you need to Log-In to all devices using the same Google Play Google Services ID and then play the game. To sync your game progress on iOS device:

  1. Enter Device Settings, find & select Game Center.
  2. Tap on your Apple ID.
  3. If you already have an account, you can directly log in. If not, you need to create a new Apple ID.
  4. Go back to Home Screen and then launch the game.
  5. After loading, the you should get a message reading :
    “Welcome back <Profile Name/Nickname>”

To Sync Progress across multiple iOS devices, you need to Log-In to all devices using the same Game Center ID and then play the game.

To sync your game progress from Android to iOS device or vice versa:

  1. You can login to Facebook through the Facebook Log-In button on the Level Map or Settings screen.
  2. By logging in through Facebook, you should be able to sync your progress across any devices on any platform by Logging-In using the same Facebook ID in all devices.

Remember: The game progress is saved when you quit the game. So we recommend you quit your game in the current device before moving the game to a different device.